back to "not goin Melb" topic
everyone sure ask "WHY?"
i kinda lazy to answer this question d.
listen ppl, is actually mei (the idiot, muahaha) who say doesnt wan to go . she say is too fast and haven reach the time to leave the family.
by the time she say doesnt wan to go, everything ady been done eg:
air ticket BOUGHT
visa DONE
medical check up DONE
tuition fee PAID
shampoo, body shampoo, lotion, pads ,etc BOUGHT
Actually we can juz go over and start study but mei say doesnt wan to go + my parents say is better for us to stay with them longer coz thy can take care of us. and therefore the final decision is to VICTORIA UNI.
the lotion, i've ady used some of them
pads anyone?